20+ hours in, I’ve been absolutely loving my experience with Green Hell VR, but wanted to put together a performance because I see a lot of people struggling to run it well. Green Hell VR is one of the most beautiful games I’ve seen in VR, but also the game with some of the highest graphic requirements we’ve seen yet for a commercial VR game.

I’ll first go over the settings I use to get a pretty flawless experience performance-wise on my RTX 3090. I get a steady 90 fps at settings that look fantastic on my Reverb G2.

It’s important to note that if you want to run the game at full framerate and without any motion smoothing / ASW, the “recommended specs” (an RTX 3060) should really be the minimum requirements.

Optimization 1: VRPerfKit

The first thing you should do before getting started is to install VRPerfKit to enable upscaling and sharpening.

I highly recommend this fantastic GUI on top of it that makes it easy to install:

Release VR Mod App v0.9.82 · tappi287/openvr_fsr_app

Just download the install exe and run


Choose your game, use the VrPerfKit Plugin and set the sharpening to 100%


My personal settings:

In game, to hit 90 fps, I have the graphics set to medium, God Rays on, AO off, Resolution high, bloom on, textures high and I upped the draw distance to remove pop in.

CleanShot 2022-06-09 at 14.32.25.png

CleanShot 2022-06-09 at 14.31.55.png

I have the game SS set to 87% in SteamVR settings which is about 2900x2900 something resolution.

Okay, that’s fine for those that have 3080 TI’s / 3090s, but unfortunately, many people aren’t lucky to have one.

Optimization 2: Further Tweaking For Lower Cards